今回は、フレスコ画とは一体何なのか、歴史や描き方、有名絵画までをわかりやすく解説していきますが、テンペラ画の記事「テンペラ画について – 技法や歴史を日本語と英語で解説します」と同様に、日本語と英語、2言語で説明します。
The Story of Painting: How art was made
1. フレスコ画とは? – What is fresco?
Fresco is a mural painting technique that involves painting with water-based paint directly onto wet plaster so that the paint becomes an integral part of the plaster.
2. フレスコ画の描き方 – Fresco Technique
Meaning “fresh” in Italian, fresco involved applying pure powdered pigments, mixed only with water, straight onto a wet, freshy laid layer of lime plaster on a wall or ceiling. Artists had to work quickly in small sections at a time, before the plaster dried, so the painting became an integral part of the wall.
Some paintings were also made using fresco secco, in which paint was applied to plaster that had already dried, but it was buon fresco (true fresco) that early Italian painters considered best.
The Story of Painting
3. フレスコ画の歴史 – History of Frescoes
Fresco was practised as early as 2000 BCE by the Minoans during the bronze age civilization of Crete. Famous Cretan buon fresco wall paintings include “The Toreador”. Early frescoes were also painted in Morocco and Egypt, with Egyptian artist preferring the secco method for their tomb murals.
Fresco paintings were also common in Greek art, as well as Etruscan culture and in Roman art, where they were mainly executed in buon fresco style. Early Christian art in Rome, notably in the catacombs, also featured fresco murals.
Indeed the style was popular with artists throughout the ancient Mediterranean and in Turkey. In addition, early examples of Buddhist fresco art, completed between 200 BCE and 1100 CE, were discovered at the Ajanta caves and the Brihadisvara Temple in India.
4. 知っておきたい、フレスコ画の有名作品 – Fresco famous paintings that you should know
・ミケランジェロ Michelangelo / システィーナ礼拝堂天井画 Sistine Chapel Ceiling

ミケランジェロは、1508年に教皇ユリウス2世から礼拝堂のヴォールト(天井)の塗り替えを依頼され、1508年から1512年末にかけて完成させた。 また、1535年から1541年に、教皇パウルス3世(ファルネーゼ)からの依頼で、祭壇の上に「最後の審判」を描いた。<省略> 描かれた面積は、縦40m×横13mほど。つまり、ミケランジェロは460m2を超えるフレスコ画を描いたことになる。
Michelangelo was commissioned by Pope Julius II in 1508 to repaint the vault, or ceiling, of the chapel. The work was completed between 1508 and late 1512. He painted the Last Judgment over the altar, between 1535 and 1541, on commission from Pope Paul III Farnese. <省略> The painted area is about 40 m long by 13 m wide. This means that Michelangelo painted well over 460 m2 of frescoes.

・レオナルド・ダ・ヴィンチ LEONARDO DA VINCI / 最後の晩餐 ‘The Last Supper’

最後の晩餐 ‘The Last Supper’ / サンタ・マリア・デッレ・グラツィエ修道院(ミラノ) Convent of Santa Maria delle Grazie
The Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci is his largest painting and only fresco to survive. <省略>In this painting on the refectory wall (dining room) of the monastery of the Santa Maria delle Grazie in Milan, he deviated from the traditional method of fresco painting. His aim was to try to increase the strength of fresco color and tone, and he employed an experimental ‘fresco secco’ technique, applying tempera with oil glazes on dry plaster. This increased the drying time of the medium which allowed him to create his characteristic blends of tone and make adjustments to his drawing.
Arty Factory
・ラファエロ Raphael / ラファエロの間 Raphael Rooms

Raphael’s Rooms comprise four separate rooms in the Palace of the Vatican and they formed a part of the apartment of Pope Julius II (pontiff from 1503-1513). The walls of each room are beautiful with their immense frescoes that depict a variety of religious and mythological stories. Named after the master Raphael, these rooms were designed by Raphael himself. While a large number of the artworks were painted by Raphael, many of them needed to be completed by the students of the School of Raphael, due to the artist’s unexpected death in 1520 before the completion of the rooms.
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